
software_award“GABEK®-WINRELAN® was selected from a field of 158 original entries by an international panel of jurors to participate in EASA2002 Finals. The project was deemed by the jurors to be of exceptional quality.”
(European Software Academic Award 2002 – Organised by the European Knowledge Media Association, Ronneby, Sweden)

stanford“Through GABEK® we can obtain a description of structures of a society and its values, whose inclusion can be seen as an essential precondition for the solution to problems.”
(Univ.-Prof. Dr. Julius Moravcsik, Stanford University, USA)

The use of GABEK® tools has proved very useful in our research work. We were able to compare the method with other competing methods, but came to the conclusion that the GABEK® procedure provides detailed advantages.”
(Dr. Goetz Renner, DaimlerChrysler AG, Research and Technology, Germany)


“In my view GABEK®-WinRelan® is the most innovative instrument in the qualitative social sciences and knowledge organisation, which is used globally.”
(Dr. Paul Schober, Hafelekar Unternehmensberatung, Innsbruck, Österreich)

dewet“GABEK® is an effective research methodology to use for marketing research. It facilitates the perception of respondents through their own eyes. It is therefore less biased. It enhances the presentation in such a way that the decision-maker can develop solutions based on the views of respondents – on a tactical, stratecig and design thinking level.
GABEK® can be used in an emancipatory manner because it allows for including all stakeholders of the problem situation. Furthermore, it is possible to encourage open communication since individuals can let their voices be heard – in a figurative sense – without being intimidated by the presence of other stakeholders. An example of GABEK® being used in conflict resolution is that of encouraging co-operation between stake-holders of South African labour relations system within Vaal Triangle, a highly industrialised region of South Africa. “

(Univ.-Prof. Dr. Andries de Wet & Dr. Anne-Marie Pothas & Univ.-Prof. Dr. Johannes Marthinus de Wet, Vanderbijlpark, Southafrica)

ips“GABEK® helps to find a solution to the complex societal problems allowing not only to classify and generalise perceptions of different persons on the issue, but also to trace, classify, generalise and visualise the causes leading to such perceptions.”
(Dr. Nana Sumbadze, Institute for Policy Studies, Tiflis, Georgien)

kh_brixen“Somit haben sich aus der GABEK®-Analyse an unserem Krankenhaus eine Reihe von Folgeprojekten ergeben, die in ihrer Gesamtheit das Betriebsklima unter den Bediensteten unseres Krankenhauses nachhaltig verbessern sollten.”
(Dr. Martin Ogriseg, Krankenhaus Brixen, Südtirol, Italien)

q_research“I found the software relatively easy to use, with some very clever tools to support the indexing/coding and analysis processes.”
(Ralph Godau: Qualitative Data Analysis Software: GABEK®-WinRelan®, in: Qualitative Research Journal, Australia,Vol. 3, No. 1, p.56,)

wu_vienna“The original data is always only a mouse click away. All gestures are very user-friendly, and most results of the diverse analyses can be imported to Winword. WinRelan can be used for feedback and presentation easily. It offers a high degree of ease in showing special results as well as moderating discussions. The proximity of the original data allows for the generation of credible and comprehensible illustrations of results. For example, it is highly supportive in the process of implementing change measures, because it only uses the respondents’ own arguments, ideas, interpretaions and so on.”
(Ass.-Prof. Dr. Renate Buber, Vienna & Dr. Christian Kraler, Innsbruck, Austria)

ak_tirol“Wir haben diesen Kontakt zur Wissenschaft hergestellt, weil GABEK®eine faszinierende Möglichkeit zur Gestaltung der Zukunft der Arbeit darstellt.”
(Fritz Dinkhauser, Arbeiterkammer Präsident, Innsbruck, Österreich)

“The GABEK® method reveals latent patterns of thought as well as hidden knowledge, and not at least stimulates processes of social learning which in turn contributes to transparency. “
(Dr. Hellmut Löckenhoff, Backnang, Germany)

“GABEK® läßt sich als ein überaus effektives qualitatives Forschungsinstrument bezeichnen. . Besonders angenehm an der computerunterstützten Auswertung durch WinRelan war, daß sie zeitökonomisch durchgeführt werden konnte, was bei noch umfangreicheren Datensätzen als denen der vorliegenden Untersuchung sicher wichtig ist. Zudem erleichtert sie die Erstellung der Intercoderreliabilität. Die benutzerInnenfreundliche Handhabung des Programms und das dazugehörige Graphikprogramm bieten befriedigende Präsentationsmöglichkeiten, sonst oft ein großes Manko von Verfahren qualitativer Ergebnisaufbereitung. So lassen sich die erarbeiteten Phänomene, Wirkungszusammenhänge und Verläufe in kurzer Zeit und auch vor größerem Publikum gut sichtbar machen. “
(Dr. Birgit Mumelter, Innsbruck, Österreich)

“Interessant dabei ist die Tatsache, daß sie [die Methode GABEK] einen dynamischen Prozeß zwischen Menschen anregt und nicht zu Ergebnissen führt, die Konstruktionen eines einzelnen Menschen sind.”
(Univ. Prof. Dr. Ilias Papagiannopoulos, Philosoph, Piräus, Griechenland)


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